With the Viennese Waltz there should be a smooth lilting sway from side to side, rather than the classic 'rise and fall' of the other traditional ballroom dances (Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot).
Both partners should be driving the dance when it is their turn to come forward. This will result in a much smoother action than if the male is driving then pulling his partner.
The Jive needs to be a bouncy and fun dance with light, quick movements and plenty of personality - i'm already feeling for Joe if he's been picked for this one!
So who's got what, and how's their training coming along?
Looking quite light on her feet but yet again she needs to get over those nerves of hers!
Could be a solid performance and receive 7's.
So far Joe has proved to be very heavy-footed, contrary to the bookie's early odds. How [or even will?] he cope with the fast and bouncy Jive?
Actually looks like Joe is getting involved in the dance and enjoying himself. Needs to make sure that his toes are pointed down during the flicks.
Could well be his best dance yet though and might even manage 6's (ignoring the [personal opinion] over-marking of last week.
Brian's favourite dance is looking a little awkward at times but really good at others.
Haven't really seen enough of the dance to give an accurate judgement but i'll predict healthy 7's.
Craig's been in the dance-off twice now and I imagine his confidence has taken a real knock.
Needs to keep palms down rather than facing upwards and really should be pointing his toes downwards rather than letting them flick aimlessly during the kicks.
Also needs to bring his feet together a little more during his chasses (and in some cases actually do chasses!)
However it looks like it could be 6's.
Could this be a return to the funny for Ricky? His Foxtrot would've been a LOT better last week if he could've kept his frame under control, less of an issue when it comes to Jive.
Looking pretty good, energetic and with a nice amount of bounce. Again another celeb who needs to keep those toes down during kicks - interesting to see that he's got himself a pair of dance trainers.
I'm expecting another lively performance from Ricky and at least 7's.
So another Latin dance for Chris, and another chance for Ola to wear very little!
Needs to take smaller back steps when rocking back and keep the head up when he's kicking (a problem he had during the Quickstep).
Looking good but yet again there's toes being flung around that should be toward the floor.
Realistically I think 6-7.
Laila and Anton definitely deserved their top spot last week, but how are they going to cope with the move from slow and elegant Foxtrot, to fast and frantic Jive?
Well she's looking a little flat-footed, and wearing boots probably doesn't help!
Needs to do something [anything!] with her free hand. The training doesn't appear to be at full speed/performance so really hard to judge.
If that was at full speed then we'll struggle for 5's!!!
I saw some surprisingly impressive hips last week, let's hope Phil's knee has recovered further and he can show us a really smooth Viennese.
Needs to translate the 'bob' into more of a sway but not looking too bad, need to see him out of practice hold to be a better judge of how his frame is holding up though.
Should be 7's.
Jo still isn't strenghtening her ab's and standing up, she looks introverted and is totally lost in Brendan's frame.
It's very jerky and bouncy and is nowhere near as smooth-looking as it should be.
Unless she relaxes, and starts to stand up, this will be more 5's. The only saving grace she has is that there's only really 3 steps in the Viennese so nowhere near as much to learn as the other dances!
Very nice presentation with the hands but again does need to avoid bouncing when she closes her feet, and also make sure she keeps the frame up all the way round the dance.
To avoid getting dizzy she really needs to try and focus on the wall as she goes round so that her brain can cope.
Could come off quite nice though and probably straight 7's.
I've not been impressed with Ricky's frame in the first couple of ballroom dances and at times there appears to be significant improvement, then at other times his shoulders are out of alignment and it ruins the whole look.
I'd say 7's but the judges like him so will probably be 8-9.
The tallest couple should definitely be suited to this dance.
We saw Ian and Jade at the International Ballroom Dancing Championships last night and Ian gave me a preview of Jade's frame and posture, which is looking very good.
This is looking very good and could be the highest scoring Viennese of the night.
I'm going out on a limb and saying 9's!!!
I'm putting Jade and Ian in top spot with Jo Wood (or even possibly Laila) in bottom spot.
Ian said that he'd seen Laila's Jive and people will really need to vote for them so it will be interesting to see how the performance comes off.
What about your views, who would you place top, who do you think should be going out?
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