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Saturday, 17 October 2009

The dance off!

This really is going to be no contest i'm afraid Joe!

I can understand, I suppose, why Zoe might have ended up in the bottom two. I personally found it a little lacking in excitement and energy.

If you're going to be in a dance-off though you have to hope for Joe as your opponent.

Even though it's by far Joe's best dance I don't think there really was going to be anything he could do to stay in this competition at this point.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that Joe C has at last been voted out - I was a little surprised to see Zoe and Ian the dance off with them tho'. I'm getting more cheesed off with Alesha Dixons' comments - it wouldn't be quite so bad if her grammar was correct - from my perspective it invalidates what she says. I also think that she is very inconsistent with her marks. All in all not one couple wowed or inspired me - I thought they all looked lacklustre. However, I really enjoyed FLavia and Vincent's Tango-Waltz - that inspired me on all levels!


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