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Saturday, 1 October 2011

Edwina Currie & Vincent Simone - Cha Cha Cha

Edwina had quite a good hip action developing in training so I hope to see more of that tonight, not sure on the outfit they've put her in though.

She needs to avoid picking her feet up quite so dramatically, and the floor spin for Vincent is definitely a departure.  A lot of repetition in the routine which is a shame.  It's a little bit forced at times but you can't compare her to Ann Widdecombe thankfully.

It was fun but only a 5 from me I'm afraid.

Craig: 2
Len: 5 "Great fun and you danced it with full-on confidence"
Alesha: 5 "Pitched that perfectly...actually quite a good bit of rhythm"
Bruno: 5 "The old cougar got to dance with the toy boy...bit flat footed and messy, but fun"

Total Score: 17

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