So no explanation for the change in dance order, maybe the BBC just decided they fancied a change (Alex and James were originally scheduled to dance last night but were swapped with Holly and Artem at the last minute)?
Not sure on the 'sexy' start, doesn't strike me as Alex's personality and actually this routine's start shares a lot with James' Rumba routine with Cherie Lunghi (only notice because I recently helped a wedding couple recreate it for their first dance).
Alex's leg action doesn't look as sharp as it could be and she's taking too big a step for my liking, there's also a bit too much of her standing around rather than dancing. Just a 6 from me.
Craig: 4 "One foot should remain on the floor at all times...looked incongruous...very starchy, very stiff"
Len: 6 "Parts that were really good...few that were nearly good...first time out, excellent job"
Alesha: 6 "I thought it was fun and the package, just got to really believe in you"
Bruno: 6 "Believe in yourself, go for it all the way"
Total Score: 22
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