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Saturday, 3 October 2009

The result

Based on the dance-off I'd put Lynda through.

Rav really let himself down in that dance-off, with a worse performance than actually during the competition.

Hat off to Lynda though, i'd written you off but you upped your game in the dance-off and definitely deserve to come back next week.

So, another week, another celebrity going home. Rav looks distraught and I can understand why, there's just no other feeling that can match dance competition when you really enjoy it.

Do you agree with the result, or even the final two?


  1. Yes I think it was the right result. I really hope Lynda finds her inner dancer in time for next week though ! it's only going to get tougher 1

  2. Well I hope for her sake she gets the Foxtrot rather than the Salsa, otherwise I think she'll be in another dance-off next week.

  3. Rav was unfortunate - probably nerves got the better of him. Having said that I'm glad Lynda got through - I hope she has a dance that enables her to 'wear' a nice face - she has been using quite a scary face in the past couple of weeks!

  4. Well either of those dances should allow her to have her nice face on.


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